HTML; */ // Edit this line $cutepath = "ajfork"; // path where AJ-Fork located $lcomments_number = 15; // number of comments to show $title_site = "Comments RSS Feed"; // title of your site $link_site = ""; // URL of your site $desc_site = "Imagination is more important than knowledge"; // Description of your rss $site_url = ''; // Main site, you should change this URL if you're not using {furl} // do not edit this line require_once("$cutepath/inc/"); require("$cutepath/data/config.php"); require_once("$cutepath/inc/version.php"); //edit header rss comments $lctemplate = << By {name} On: {title} {comid} {category} $site_url/{furl}#write {name} {date} HTML; header("Content-type:text/xml;charset=utf-8"); echo" $title_site $link_site en-en $desc_site $aj_version ($aj_buildid) \n\n "; setlocale (LC_ALL, $config_locale_active); $latest_comments = array_fill(1, $lcomments_number, array('newsid'=>'0','comid'=>'0','name'=>'','mail'=>'','ip'=>'','comment'=>'')); if (eregi("\?", $site_url)) { $modifier = "&"; } else { $modifier = "?"; } function check_latest_comment($lcomment_line, $newsid) { global $latest_comments; $tmp_latest_comments = $latest_comments; $lcomment_arr = explode("|", $lcomment_line); foreach($latest_comments as $key=>$latest_comment) { if($latest_comment['comid'] < $lcomment_arr[0]) { $previous = $latest_comments[$key]; foreach($latest_comments as $my_key=>$latest_comment_arr) { if($key < $my_key){ $current = $latest_comments[$my_key]; $latest_comments[$my_key] = $previous; $previous = $current; } } $latest_comments[$key] = array( 'newsid' => trim($newsid), 'comid' => trim($lcomment_arr[0]), 'name' => trim($lcomment_arr[1]), 'mail' => trim($lcomment_arr[2]), 'ip' => trim($lcomment_arr[3]), 'comment' => trim($lcomment_arr[4]),); } } } $all_comments = file("$cutepath/data/comments.txt"); foreach($all_comments as $null => $lcomment_line) { $lcomment_line_arr = explode("|>|", $lcomment_line); $newsid = $lcomment_line_arr[0]; $lcomment_arr = explode("||", $lcomment_line_arr[1]); foreach($lcomment_arr as $null => $lsingle_comment) { check_latest_comment($lsingle_comment, $newsid); } } $cc = 1; foreach($latest_comments as $null => $lcomment) { // linkelements $parententry = aj_PostInfo($lcomment["newsid"], "$cutepath/data/news.txt"); $latesttitle = aj_prepareTitle($parententry["title"]); $urldate = date("Y/m/d/", $parententry["date"]); $latestcat = aj_getCat($parententry["category"]); $flink = "$urldate$latestcat/$latesttitle.html"; if ($lcomment['name'] == "") { continue; } $output = $lctemplate; $output = str_replace("{furl}", $flink, $output); $output = str_replace("{url}", "?aj_go=more&id=$lcomment[newsid]&ucat=$parententry[category]", $output); $output = str_replace("{name}", $lcomment['name'], $output); $output = str_replace("{category}", $latestcat, $output); $output = str_replace("{mail}", $lcomment['mail'], $output); $output = str_replace("{ip}", $lcomment['ip'], $output); $lcomment['comment'] = stripslashes(strip_tags($lcomment['comment'])); $lcomment['comment'] = preg_replace("'\[(.*?)\](.*?)\[/(.*?)\]'i","\\2",$lcomment['comment']); $lcomment_length = strlen($lcomment['comment']); $output = str_replace("{comment}", $lcomment['comment'], $output); $output = str_replace("{title}", $parententry["title"], $output); $output = str_replace("{date}", date("r", $lcomment['comid']), $output); $output = str_replace("{date-local}", trim(strftime($config_timestamp_local_active, $lcomment['comid'])), $output); $output = str_replace("{newsid}", $lcomment['newsid'], $output); $output = str_replace("{comid}", $lcomment['comid'], $output); if ($cc%2 == 0) { $output = str_replace("{alternating}", "cn_comment_odd", $output); } else { $output = str_replace("{alternating}", "cn_comment_even", $output); } echo "$output\n"; if ($cc == $lcomments_number) { break 1; } $cc++; } echo "\n\n"; unset($cutepath); ?>