Who Can Escape From This Room?

I found an interesting game based on Macromedia Flash.

I think, this is pretty cool but will get frustrating. Please have a try.

There are 13 items hidden in this room in order to let you get out of this room. If you found:

* 0-6 items, your IQ is very low, total idiot
* 6-8 items, Low IQ, you are an idiot
* 9-10 items, you are normal
* 11-12 items, your IQ is high, above the average.

Find all 13 items and you should get out of the room.

BTW, I only found 12 items in this game WITHOUT SPOILER =)) [ at the end of the game you need a number to escape from this room and that number is no longer valid anymore, but you can find spoiler on the net πŸ™‚ ]

Play the game!

12 thoughts on “Who Can Escape From This Room?

  1. Yoi che, menarik banget gamenya. Ternyata yang gue temuin itu versi lamanya dan yang gak orisinil. Yang orisinil cuma kesini aja deh. Itu lebih baikan dan ada game sejenis yang lebih rumit :))

  2. Congratulations!

    Your name will be registered into the “escape person list” bla bla bla..

    Yipikyae! Huh! =)) Saya bisa keluar! :p

  3. Hihihi … sebenarnya sih aku bisa loh keluar, lha wong game macam ini memang kesukaanku koq, persis dengan game di PS, tp sayang tadi malem harus buru2 ke mBatu, jadi sekarang mau ngelanjutin lagi ahh … :-“:-”

    dobol … nggarai penasaran ae πŸ˜€

  4. ah, kayak anak kecil aja, dewasalah sedikit. cobalah yang lebih menantang, beresiko, butuh ketenangan, dan sedikit keberuntungan. ada baeknya anak coba game Ular Tangga.

    *kakek bijak beruban putih*

  5. #8: harusnya dicoba dulu dapet 12 tanpa bantuan google dong, ntar baru untuk kunci ke-13 minta bantuan google :-D. Salam kenal juga deh

    #9: uler tangga? kayak anak kecil aja deh kek πŸ˜€

  6. :(( cuma ketemu 11 a…
    hiks… kl ad game kayak gini lagi plis kasi tau ya!! bikin penasaran mo coba maen lagi a…:-?

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