Finally Slackware 10.2 !

Setelah komentar Firman Pribadi tentang Slackware sudah mulai beku ternyata telah terbukti dan saat ini sudah keluar versi 10.2.

Berikut ini informasinya saya kutip dari official site Slackware:

The second Slackware release of 2005, Slackware Linux 10.2 continues
the long Slackware tradition of simplicity, stability, and security.

Among the many program updates and distribution enhancements, you’ll
find two of the most advanced desktop environments available today:
Xfce 4.2.2, a fast and lightweight but visually appealing and easy
to use desktop environment, and KDE 3.4.2, the latest version of the
award-winning K Desktop Environment.

Slackware uses the 2.4.31 kernel bringing you advanced performance
features such as the ReiserFS journaling filesystem, SCSI and ATA RAID
volume support, SATA support, and kernel support for X DRI (the Direct
Rendering Interface) that brings high-speed hardware accelerated 3D
graphics to Linux. Additional kernels allow installing Slackware
using any of the journaling filesystems available for Linux, including
ext3, ReiserFS, IBM’s JFS, and SGI’s XFS. For those Slackware users
who are anxious to try the new 2.6.x kernel series, it is fully
supported by the system. A precompiled Linux 2.6.13 kernel, modules,
and source code are provided (along with complete instructions on how
to install the new kernel). A bootable 2.6.13 kernel (“test26.s”)
with support for most SCSI, RAID, and SATA controllers is integrated
into the installer.

Wah… keliatannya perlu dicoba nih Slackware 10.2 dan Gnome 2.12, walaupun saya sebenarnya sudah menggunakan Slackware terbaru dari repository dan Gnome 2.10 ;)).

15 thoughts on “Finally Slackware 10.2 !

  1. ya ya ya, mari mari kita bantai 😀
    saya tinggal nunggu HDD saja, butuh hampir 5G untuk backup sistem yang ada sebelum pembantaian.

    tapi untuk dropline, lebih baik nunggu, tanggung pakai GNOME 2.10. Soalnya GNOME 2.12 sudah masuk TODO list di dropline project. so,… masih perlu sedikit kesabaran lagi #-o

  2. #1. sadis amat pake “pembantaian” segala 😀
    *siap-siap upgrade ke 10.2 euy*
    eh om dud salam kenal 🙂

  3. #2 .. kata sumber di DLGWiki sih gak lama lagi ..

    2.12 (expected release date: September/October)

    Upcoming Release: 2.12

    At the current time, we are planning on building Gnome 2.12 atop the upcoming Slackware 10.2 release in order to make sure that users will be able to keep their workstations as up-to-date and bug-free as possible. We feel that judging by the [Slackware-current changelog] that this is probably the best thing to do, but we’re really going to be flying by the seats of our pants for awhile since Slackware 10.2 is not actually finalized yet. Please do not be alarmed if you ask us about specific packages and/or configurations and we give you vague, contradictory, or seemingly illogical answers. We’re fairly sure that everything will be sorted out and ready for a release before the end of the third week of September with the RC’s coming out a bit sooner than that.

    Time Will Tell™ ;))

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