Standar Ganda Pandi untuk OR.ID

Akhirnya setelah mengikuti prosedur perpanjangan domain dari Pandi, saya mendapatkan jawabannya seperti dibawah ini :

yang Terhormat Dudi Gurnadi,

Selamat, pembayaran atas permohonan perpanjangan nama domain anda telah dikonfirmasi,
Nama domain ada berlaku hingga 2008-07-01.
Terimakasih telah menggunakan nama domain .id.

Hormat Kami,

Tim Domain .id

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Google Launched TiSP

Google announced the launch of Google TiSP (BETA)™.

TiSP project is a self-installed, ad-supported online service that will be offered entirely free to any consumer with a WiFi-capable PC and a toilet connected to a local municipal sewage system

Google said that they will send TiSP self-installation kit, which includes setup guide, fiber-optic cable, spindle, wireless router and installation CD for you.

Read the FAQ first, sign up and then install it on your home.

This packages are limited stock. So hurry up 🙂